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Camping Le Rêve - La Via Natura, 2018 team

La VIA NATURA, Eco-Friendly campsites !

The 22 November 2018
Camping Le Rêve - La Via Natura 2018 team

Sustainable development, a common value with La Via Natura

Richard and I are very committed to the values ​​of sustainable development and responsible consumption. These somewhat technical terms simply mean that we promote ecological behaviour, reasonability and solidarity in everyday life. The objective is to better live and consume better by limiting our impact on the environment and in this preserve the planet and future generations

Our eco-friendly approach

We have naturally decided to deploy this personal approach at the campsite. We have made several concrete actions in preparation for the 2018 season and have defined a roadmap to go a little further towards more respect for nature and men.

Some examples:

  • Change of electricity supplier for the entire campsite to a green electricity producer. We contracted with Energie d’Ici which has been recognized by Greenpeace France as the “greenest” electricity supplier
  • Addition of organic and regional products in our bar-restaurant menu as well as vegetarian dishes
  • Addition of a composter to be able to recycle green waste
  • Creation of an organic vegetable garden based on the principles of permaculture

Accession to La Via Natura, association of independent and committed campsites

You probably know this African proverb “all alone we go faster, together we go further”. By joining La Via Natura, we join an association of small campsites that believe in the same values ​​as ours. We are convinced that we will be enriched by sharing our experiences, helping each other … we are at the heart of the values ​​of sustainable development !

La Via Natura, passionate campsites by nature

Do not hesitate to discover La Via Natura campsites, its charter, the concrete actions that have been carried out. La Via Natura is also on social networks! Facebook will deliver the news of campsites, U-Tube will reveal the sites of campsites in movies and Instagram will share our most beautiful photos.

And for your next vacation … think Le Rêve, think  La Via Natura !

VIA is a way, a road, a path, that will take you across France to the most beautiful encounters with nature, terroir and men

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